As you might imagine, I've been reading a bit during this time of self-isolation...or maybe more than just a bit... So far I've finished five books and am working on a
Nailer is a ship breaker along the Gulf Coast, where poverty reigns and work is hard to find. Ship breakers locate and pull apart wrecked ships in order to sell the metal for scrap. Nailer is part of the light crew and his job is crawl into the smallest spaces in order to remove cables and wires that can be stripped and sold. After a storm he and his best friend, Pima, locate a wrecked clipper ship, one of the most luxurious and expensive ships in existence, they encounter a problem while exploring....a problem of the human kind. The wreckage contains a single wounded survivor, the young teenage girl who owns the ship. Nailer and Pima are torn between ridding themselves of the girl so they can get rich from her ship, or help her return to her family. An even bigger problem is that she is being hunted by her father's enemies. Will Nailer decide to help the girl or leave her to her fate, and how far is willing to go?

During World War II many British children were sent to live in other countries just before and during the German attacks. Thirteen year old Ken is one of the children being sent Canada on the cruise ship City of Benares. They know that being attacked by a German Uboat is a very real possibility during the first few days of their journey, but surely nothing will happen in the midst of a large military escort. On the sixth day of their journey, when they are finally out of danger from Uboats, their military escort departs...just hours before the City of Benares is hit with torpedoes from a German Uboat. The ship sinks in just 35 minutes, leaving survivors scrambling for lifeboats in order to avoid the winter waters of the North Atlantic. Stranded and alone in Lifeboat 12, Ken and a handful of other survivors must make their way 600 miles to Ireland in order to survive. Will they make it or will they join the rest of their ship at the bottom of the sea?
*2020-2021 SC Junior Book Award nominee*
*based on the true story*
Being the daughter of the president's head of security, Maddie was best friends with Logan, the president's son. That ended after her father was shot while saving the First Lady from being kidnapped and her father decided to move to the wilderness of Alaska. Six years later Logan shows up at their house, but less than 24 hours later Maddie is thrown from a cliff and Logan is kidnapped. With her father away for a supply run and Logan's security detail nowhere to be found, it's up to an injured Maddie to track Logan through the forest and save him from the men who are looking for revenge against the president. Will Maddie be able to save Logan before the Russians go too far or will the dangers of an approaching Alaskan winter with no shelter or supplies be too much for her to overcome?
*2020-2021 SC Junior Book Award nominee*

It is the winter of 1945 and four teens, Joana, Florian, Emilia, and Alfred, are on the run from the approaching Soviet army. They meet while making their way towards Gotenhafen, along the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea, where they hope to catch a ship that will take them far away from the horrors of war. Being from different backgrounds and countries, and speaking different languages makes it hard to trust one another, but they know that the best way to survive is to stick together. They all manage to make it to the coast and are allowed to board the ship Wilhelm Gustloff sailing towards Kiel, Germany. Built to hold under 1,500 people, the teens are crammed onto the Wilhelm Gustloff with over 10,500 other desperate refugees and German military personnel. Shortly after setting sail the ship is torpedoed by a Russian submarine and sunk. Will Joana, Florian, Emilia, and Alfred survive the sinking and be saved from the Soviets, be captured by the Soviets, or go down with the ship?
*inspired by the true story*
Fei Ting, or Frances as she's called in San Francisco, is a Chinese-American high school student whose mother expects nothing less than perfection from the daughter she expects to become a doctor one day. When Frances is accidentally enrolled into a speech class instead of calculus during her senior year, she discovers that she has a talent, and love, for writing and public speaking. But what will happen when her mother finds out? Will Frances give up her own newly discovered dreams to follow her mother's or will she risk breaking her mother's heart?